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Literacy came to Japan from China, including the system of writing. Despite the development of “kana,” which are phonetic symbols that serve as simplifications of the original characters, Chinese characters are still used. One of the first novels was written by Lady Murasaki Shikibu. “The Tale of Genji” served as a catalyst for the development of literature. During the Heian Era, poetry flourished, inspired by beauty and that of nature. Focusing on the sadness of love or nature’s beauty, poems, such as haikus, were considerably shorter than poetry in other countries. Returning to the haiku, it is a Japanese form of a poem that contains 17 syllables arranged in 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5, which is common knowledge.

Literary Arts


Although originally influenced by the Chinese painting style, Japanese painting developed in different ways after the 14th century. The style tended to be more naturalistic and abstract. More spontaneity and individuality was allowed than with the Chinese style. Both influenced how portraits, scenes of daily life, and studies of plants and animals were done. In contrast to decorative Chinese images, the basic form and characteristics of a subject were captured. The love of nature is harnessed as a result of limited space on Japan, where it originated.


Architecture is another example of an art form with Chinese influence and alterations by the Japanese. Japanese architecture is more preoccupied with form rather than decoration. Space and form is stressed in both the interior and exterior of a structure. Decoration and furnishing is limited to the essentials. As an example of architecture, houses were arranged asymmetrically for multiple purposes and simple rectilinear forms were incorporated. (See Image)

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